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Your Photos
High rises in Hong Kong. Photo by Romain Jacquet-Lagreze.
Lightning Striking Sakurajima Volcano. Photo credit Martin Rietze.
Crossing the (collapsed) bridge to school. Sumatra, Indonesia. Photo by Panjalu Images.
Space, the final frontier. Composite of a Atlas V rocket launch. Photo by Mike Killian.
Tianzi mountains, China. Photo credit Richard Janecki.
Humpback whale breaching the waters from close to 10 feet away. Photo by Matt Thornton.
Serenity now! Photo by Raymond Hoffmann.
Alcázar of Segovia in Spain
Potala Palace, Tibet.
Fishermen use fire to draw fish close to the boat and then catch them. Photo by Chang Ming Chih.
Free diving. Photo by Cade Butler.
Chemistry laboratory in ruins, Belgium. Photo by Sven Fennema.
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